createbaaAaA baa~instaPloEtr}


dear ms. peep;

where dost thou sheep go?

little lamB

>hook< now now dear sweet puffy thing inspired cute nosey legged pillow chew l v r s l :p 😮 ;>


postmodern art poem in the form of cummings, marked 9 forthcoming in central terrestrial terror mind bank.
prop inserted
upon wanting generalizations of extra soiled police porn
xl plogged underneath liquid substances
wrought in the very belly of the wal*marted, tentacle beast
connected into our spinal columns
with disposable batteries
fled to which the shepherds fear to wonder
amongst beauty skies where redstone boulders meet
duly flying out of the earth
seeing borders disappear and chatter go away
that we are not the ends of things
we walk among the gleams
from an unknown idea
that breathes
and goes elsewheres blind forward…..