Quick Post fm Providence

Ehh, the rain. Left Boston and the cozy Van Praag home on a noon bus to Providence. Balmy weather today, and then the rain began on the trip south. Rained on and off all day, so my brief visit to Rhode Island didn’t include much beyond hanging out with my friend Mia. Found a few stencils on our brief travels to eat meals and grabe a few drinks. So no major stencil hunting. Symposium Books didn’t have the technical set up to do my slide show so they moved me to a cafe/bar next door. The unsavvy bartender didn’t know how to hook up the projector and it wasn’t a good set up anyway. I didn’t bring my remote control on the trip so didn’t have any way to change the slides. The projector was in the bar area and the drinkers didn’t seem interested in a book presentaiton. No worries, because only 7 people (9 including Edward from Symposium and a RISD teacher who dropped in for about 10 minutes) showed up. I set the laptop up on a table in front of the stage and had everyone crowd around. Called it a stencil fireside chat. There was a teenager there who really enjoyed the presentation. Mia and a few of her friends were there which helped flesh out the small crowd. They enjoyed it too (Mia makes shadow puppets as well as a stencil or two.) Late now, and must get up early to catch a bus to New York. Bluestockings in Lower East Side tomorrow night. Hopefully, without the wetness!